UMU プライバシーポリシー(個人情報保護方針)


UMU へようこそ

UMU 製品とサービス(以下、UMU 製品とサービスを総称して「当サービス」といいます。)をご利用頂きありがとうございます。当サービスはユームテクノロジージャパン株式会社(以下「当社」といいます。)所在地東京都新宿区新宿 4-1-6 JR新宿ミライナタワー 18階。






このプライバシーポリシーに関してご質問がある場合や権利行使される場合(当社が保有するお客様の情報の開示・訂正・追加・削除・利用停止・消去・第三者への提供の停止等のご要望がある場合を含む。)は、 まで Email にてお問い合わせください。



お客様が当サービスアカウントにサインインされていない場合、当社は Cookie によって収集した情報を、お客様がご利用されるブラウザ、アプリケーション、またはデバイスに関連付けて保管いたします。このことによって、セッションをブラウジングされる際のお客様の言語設定を維持することが可能となります。






当社が収集する情報は、識別子、ブラウザの種類および設定、デバイスの種類および設定、オペレーティングシステムならびに携帯通信会社名およびアプリケーションのバージョン番号を含むモバイルネットワーク情報などを含みます。またお客様がご利用になるアプリ、ブラウザ、デバイスと当社のサービスの間のやり取りに関する情報(IP アドレス、クラッシュレポート、日付、時刻及びお客様のリクエストにかかるリンク元 URL を含む)も収集されます。

これらの情報は、お客様のデバイス上の当サービスが当社のサーバーにアクセスした際に収集されます。これらの情報には、デバイスの種類、キャリア名、クラッシュレポート、IP アドレスも含みます。








当社は Cookies やピクセルタグ、ブラウザのウェブストレージやアプリケーションデータキャッシュなどのローカルストレージ、データベース、サーバーログ等の様々なテクノロジーを用いて情報を収集・保管します。




当社は、上記の目的を随時変更することができ、もし目的に変更が加えられた場合は、その旨をお客様に通知するか、または更新されたプライバシーポリシーを公開いたします。また、お客様からお客様の情報の使用目的を通知するようにご依頼いただいた際は、速やかに使用目的を通知をするか、通知ができないと決定した場合(例、情報の利用目的が明確な場合、当社が法令上通知義務を負わない場合)は当該決定を直ちに通知します。お客様の情報の使用目的を通知するようご依頼いただく場合、support@umu.coまで Email にてお問合せください。


































お客様の情報の取扱いについて不満がある場合、 にご連絡ください。









本プライバシーポリシーに記載されている範囲を超えて当サービス外部との個人情報の共有を行う場合、本プライバシーポリシーに対するお客様のご同意とは別に、当社はお客様から個別のご同意を得た上で、当サービス外部との個人情報の共有を行います。 お客様のセンシティブな個人情報を共有する場合は、必ず事前に明確な同意を求めてから行います。


お客様が当サービス(UMU エンタープライズ版など)を利用している組織に従事している場合、お客様のドメイン管理者やお客様のアカウントを管理する業者や組織はお客様の当サービスアカウントにアクセスする権利を保有しています。彼らは以下を行うことが可能です:





当社は、個人を特定できない情報について、公表したり、トレーナー、トレーニングマネージャー、教師、講演者または権利者といった当社のパートナーと共有したりすることができます。例えば、当サービスの一般的な使用に関する傾向を示すために、情報を公開します。また、当社は、一定のパートナーに対して、独自の Cookie や類似のテクノロジーを活用して、測定の目的でお客様のブラウザやデバイスから情報を収集することを許可しています。

もし UMU が合併、買収、資産の売却などを行った場合、当社は引き続きお客様の個人情報の機密性を維持します。個人情報を移管し、又は個人情報が別のプライバシーポリシーの適用対象となる前に、影響を受けるユーザーに事前に通知します。
























UMU Privacy Policy (Personal Information Protection Policy)

Revisions to this Privacy Policy are effective as of November 13, 2023.

Welcome to UMU

Thank you for using UMU products and services (collectively, the "Services"). Thank you for using UMU Products and Services (collectively, "UMU Products and Services"). This service is provided by UMU Technology Japan Co. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company"), located at 18F JR SHINJUKU MIRAINA TOWER、 4-1-6、 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan.

By using this service, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions, so please read them carefully.

We understand that using this service entails a significant responsibility on our part regarding the handling of information, and we are committed to protecting your information.

This Privacy Policy is intended to help you understand why we collect your information and how you can update, manage, output, and delete your information.

We have built a wide range of services to help millions of customers teach, train and learn in new ways. Our services include

- Our apps available on Google Play and the Apple App Store

- our website, available on desktop computers and mobile devices

- our Services software available on desktop computers

You can use our service in a variety of ways by creating your own account. For example, if you want to create and manage content such as courses and learning programs, or view related learning content, you can sign in to your account on our service.

You can also use our service in a variety of ways without creating an account. You can also use many of our services without creating an account, such as browsing our services or watching learning videos.

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or wish to exercise any of your rights (including the right to disclose, correct, add, delete, cease use, erase, or cease provision to third parties of any information we have about you) ), please contact us by email at

Information Collected by the Service

The following is a description of the types of information we collect when you use this service.We collect information ranging from basic information such as your language to information about your preferred courses and programs of study in order to provide a better service to all of our users. How we use the information we collect depends on how you use and manage the Service.

If you are not signed in to your Service account, we will store the information collected by cookies in association with your browser, application, or device. This allows us to maintain your language preference when browsing sessions.

When you sign in, we also collect personally identifiable information that is recorded in your account with the Service.

Your Preferences and What You Provide to Us

When you create an account with the Service, you provide us with personal information, including your name and password. You may also voluntarily add your phone number and account payment information. You may also choose to provide us with information such as your email address to receive updates on our services, even if you are not signed in.

Information Collected When You Use Our Services

We collect information about the apps, browsers, or devices you use to access the Service in order to provide support, such as automatic product updates or to dim the screen when your device's battery is low.

The information we collect includes identifiers, browser type and settings, device type and settings, operating system and mobile network information, including mobile carrier name and application version number. We also collect information about the interaction between your app, browser, or device and our Services, including IP address, crash reports, date, time, and the URL from which your request was linked.

This information is collected when the Service accesses our servers on your device. This information may include device type, carrier name, crash reports, and IP address.

About Your Activity

We collect information about your activities within our services in order to recommend courses and learning programs that are relevant to your preferences. The information we collect about your activity may include the following

- Terms you search for

- Videos you watch

- Your views and interactions with content and comments

- Audio and audio information when you use audio features

- Purchase history

- Information about who you communicate with or share content with

Location Information

We collect information about your location when you use our services in order to provide you with information about available training services and other services.

Your location is determined with varying degrees of accuracy by the following factors


- IP address

- Sensor data from your device

- Sensor data from your device, such as Wi-Fi access points, cellular base stations, and Bluetooth-enabled devices

The type of location information we collect depends in part on your device and account settings. For example, you may choose to turn your device's location information on or off through your settings.

We also work with trusted partners, such as marketing partners who provide us with customer information about our business services and security partners who provide us with information to protect against fraud.We also receive information from advertisers to provide advertising and research services on their behalf.

We collect and store information using a variety of technologies, including cookies, pixel tags, local storage such as browser web storage and application data caches, databases, and server logs.

Why does the Service collect data?

We use data to build a better service

The information we collect through our service is used to

- Provide our service

- Develop new services

- Provide personalized service

- Measure performance

- Communicate with you

- To protect our services, our customers, and the public.

We may change the above purposes at any time, and if we do, we will notify you or publish an updated Privacy Policy. In addition, if you ask us to notify you of the purposes for which we use your information, we will promptly notify you of those purposes or, if we determine that we cannot notify you (e.g., if the purpose for which the information will be used is clear, or if we are not legally obligated to notify you), we will notify you immediately of that determination. To request that we notify you of the purposes for which we will use your information, please contact us via email at

Providing this Service

We use your information to provide you with our servicing services, such as processing your search terms to provide you with search results and suggesting recipients from your contacts to make it easier for you to share content.

Maintenance and Improvement of the Service

We use your information to ensure that the Service is functioning as intended, such as tracking malfunctions and resolving problems reported by you, and to improve the Service. and to improve our services.

Developing new services

We use information collected through our existing services to develop new services.

Provide personalized services

We use the information we collect to customize our services to you. This includes providing recommendations, personalized content, and customized search results to you.

Measuring Performance

We use data to analyze and measure how our services are being used. For example, we analyze data on visits to our site to optimize our product design. We also use data about the courses our clients are using to help course designers understand how their course designs are performing.

Communication with Customers

We use the information we collect, such as email addresses, to communicate directly with you. For example, we may send you a notice if we detect unusual activity in your account with the Service. We will also notify you when we make changes or improvements to our products. If you contact the Service, we will also keep a record of this request to assist us in resolving your issue.

Protecting Our Services, Customers, and the Public

We use information to improve the security and reliability of our services. This includes detecting, preventing, and responding to fraud, abuse, security risks, and technical issues that may harm the Service, our users, and the public interest.

We use a variety of technologies to process your information for these purposes.

We use automated systems to analyze your content in order to provide you with customized search results, personalized learning content, and other features based on how you use our services.

We analyze your content to detect abuse through spam, malware, and illegal content. We also utilize algorithms to recognize patterns in your data. For example, our video feature provides useful feedback on your use of the service by recognizing common facial expressions and gesture patterns during your use.

For these purposes, we may combine information collected through the Service with information collected from your device.

We may display publicly available information about your account on the Service, such as your name and photo, if other users already have your Service account or other information that identifies you. This will, for example, make it easier for other users to share courses and classes with you.

If we intend to use the information for purposes beyond those covered by this Privacy Policy, we will ask for your consent before doing so.

How We Manage Your Privacy

You have several choices about how we use the information we collect.

This section describes the primary controls we have in place to manage your privacy across our services.

Managing, Reviewing, and Updating Information

You can review and update your information at any time while you are signed in and accessing the Services you are using. For example, both "My Videos" and "My Documents" are designed to help you manage certain types of content stored on the Service.

Your Personal Information

Your contact information, such as name, email address, and phone number, can be managed through the "Personal Information" section.

Exporting, Deleting and Deletion of Information

You can back them up or use them for other services by exporting copies of the audio slides, videos, and live streaming sessions in your account with the Service.

You may also request that we delete your content from the Service or suspend use of your content if your personal information is used for purposes other than those required for use without your consent, or if your personal information was obtained in an illegal manner.

In order to delete or suspend the use of your information, you may

- To delete your content or suspend your use of your content on a particular Service,

- Remove or suspend the use of a particular Service.

- To delete or suspend your entire account for a particular Service by sending an email to

There are other ways to control the collection of information about the Service, whether or not you are logged into your account with the Service, including

- Browser settings: For example, when the service sets a cookie in your browser, For example, you can configure your browser to display a cookie when the service sets a cookie in your browser. You can also set your browser to block all cookies from a particular domain. You can also configure your browser to block all cookies from a particular domain or from all domains. However, the Service does not use cookies to remember language preferences, etc., in order to function properly. However, please note that the Service makes use of cookies, for example, to remember language preferences, in order to function properly.

- Device-level settings: Depending on your device, you may be able to control which information we collect. For example, you may be able to adjust the camera settings on your iOS or Android device.

Ensuring Proper Handling of Your Personal Information

If you are dissatisfied with the way we handle your information, please contact us at

Sharing Information

When you share information

The Service allows you to share information with others, and you control how it is shared. For example, you may choose to publish a video course or keep your videos private.

It is important to note that once you make your information public, your content may be accessible through Google search, Yahoo search, and other search engines.

When you sign in to the service, leave a comment on a video session, participate in a discussion, or otherwise use the service, your account name and photo will appear next to your activity.

When we share your information

We do not share your personal information with companies, organizations or individuals outside of our service, except in the following circumstances

With your consent.

We will not share your personal information with companies, organizations, or individuals outside of the Service beyond the scope described in this Privacy Policy, except when we have your consent to do so

Sharing with Domain Administrators

If you work for an organization that uses the Service (such as UMU Enterprise Edition), your domain administrator or the vendor or organization that manages your account has the right to access your account with the Service. They may do the following:

- Access and retain information stored in your account, such as your account name

- View statistics about your account, such as course usage time

- Change your account password

- Suspend or terminate access to your account

- Obtain account information to comply with applicable laws, regulations, legal process, or requests from legally enforceable government agencies

- Restrict your ability to delete or edit information and privacy settings

External Processing

We provide personal information to our affiliates and other trusted companies or individuals to process information for us, based on our instructions and in accordance with our Privacy Policy and other appropriate confidentiality and security standards. For example, we use service providers to assist us with customer support. We will provide necessary and appropriate supervision of these parties.

Legal Reasons

We will share personal information outside of our service when we believe that access, use, preservation or disclosure of the information is necessary to:

- To comply with applicable laws, regulations, legal process, or enforceable governmental requests

- To enforce applicable Terms of Use (including investigating potential violations)

- To detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud or security or technical issues

- To protect the rights, property, or safety of the Service, our users, or the public as required or permitted by law

We may disclose and share non-personally identifiable information with our partners, such as trainers, training managers, teachers, speakers, or rights holders. For example, we will release information to show trends regarding the general use of our services. We also allow certain partners to utilize their own cookies and similar technologies to collect information from your browser or device for measurement purposes.

If UMU were to merge, acquire, or sell assets, we would continue to maintain the confidentiality of your personal information. Before transferring personal information, or before personal information becomes subject to a different privacy policy, we will notify you of the impact.

Keeping Your Information Secure

We have built security into the Service to protect your information.

All of our products have strong security features to protect your information on an ongoing basis. The perspective we gain by maintaining this service helps us detect and automatically block security threats from reaching you. If we detect a risk that we believe you need to be aware of, we will promptly notify you and assist you by informing you of the steps you can take to protect yourself.

We are committed to protecting you and our service from unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction of information in our possession as follows. We protect your personal information in the following ways:

- Using encryption to keep your data private in transit.

- Providing a variety of security features to protect your account

- Review of our practices regarding collection, storage, and processing of information (including physical security measures) to prevent unauthorized access to our systems.

- Limiting access to personal information to those Service employees, contractors and agents who need such information to process the information. In addition, all persons with this access are subject to strict contractual confidentiality obligations, and failure to meet these obligations may result in disciplinary action or termination.

Exporting and Deleting Customer Information

You may export and delete copies of your information from your account with the Service at any time.

You may also export a copy of your content from your account for backup purposes or for use with services other than the Service.

To delete your information, you may

- Remove your content from a particular Service

- Remove your information from a specific product of the Service (including your information associated with that product).

- Delete your entire Service account by sending an email to


Retention of Your Information

The data collected will be retained for different periods of time depending on its content, usage, and your preferences.

- You may delete certain data, such as content created and uploaded by you, at any time.

- Some data, such as information about how often you use the Service, will be retained until you delete your account.

- Some data may be retained for longer periods of time if necessary for legitimate business and legal purposes, such as security, fraud and abuse prevention, and financial record keeping.

When we delete data, we follow a deletion process to ensure that your data is securely and completely erased from our servers or stored only in anonymized form. We strive to ensure that our service protects information from accidental or malicious deletion. This may cause some delay between your deletion and the deletion of copies on active and backup systems.

Compliance and Cooperation with Regulatory Authorities

We regularly review this Privacy Policy to ensure that your information is being processed in a manner that complies with it.

Upon receipt of a formal written complaint, we will immediately contact the complainant. We will work with the appropriate regulatory authorities, including local data protection authorities, to address any claims regarding the transfer of your data that cannot be resolved directly between us and you.

Data Transfer

Your personal information is stored on AWS servers in Tokyo and may be accessed and processed outside of Japan. Wherever the information is accessed and processed, we apply the protections as described in this policy. We also follow the GDPR with respect to data transfers.


About this Policy

When this policy applies

This Privacy Policy applies only to products offered by us and our affiliates. This Privacy Policy does not apply to services that have separate privacy policies that do not incorporate this Privacy Policy.

This Privacy Policy does not apply to

- Information-related practices of other companies and organizations that advertise our services

- Services by other companies or individuals (including UMU Services, products or websites or websites that include UMU services, products or websites that appear as search results, or products or websites to which the products or websites to which this service is linked).

Policy Changes

This Privacy Policy may change from time to time. Changes to this Privacy Policy may be made from time to time, and your rights under this Privacy Policy will not be reduced without your explicit consent. If material changes occur, we will provide you with more explicit notice (including, for certain services, email notification of privacy policy changes).